Feed Asian Seniors Art Raffle

We’ve partnered with Radical Family Farms and several Asian American artists and raffled off a collection of art, prints + more, with all of the raffle proceeds benefiting Radical Family Farms’ free CSA program for low-income Asian seniors in Bay Area Chinatowns and beyond. Through our raffle, we were able to fundraise over $7000 and fund an additional 11 produce subscriptions (each subscription was 13 boxes, delivered every two weeks to low-income Asian seniors).

Original raffle post is below.
Let's show our Asian elders and seniors some love! Studies show that Asian seniors are less happy and receive less support than elders of other races. Many Asian seniors face food insecurity. Recent reports indicate food insecurity is worsening in Asian seniors due to increased racial violence. With all of this in mind, help us feed our Asian seniors and make them feel supported!
We’ve partnered with Radical Family Farms and several Asian American artists to raffle off this amazing collection of art, prints + more (see image above!) with all of the proceeds benefiting Radical Family Farms’ free CSA program for low-income Asian seniors in Bay Area Chinatowns and beyond. We’re so excited to be able to provide our elders with nourishing and culturally relevant produce!
How do you enter this amazing raffle? First, make a $25 (or more!) donation to Radical Family Farms community initiatives directly at www.radicalfamilyfarms.com/donate (btw this donation is tax deductible!). To enter the raffle, DM @cutfruitcollective a screenshot of your emailed donation receipt (make sure your name, donation amount, and email address is clearly visible). You can enter multiple times with one donation by donating in multiples of 25 ($50, $75, $100, etc.)
If you don't have Instagram, you can also email us the screenshot at projects+feedasianseniors@cutfruitcollective.org
Donations must be made now through April 15th, 11:59pm Pacific Time, and Cut Fruit Collective must receive your screenshot via DM by April 16th, 12:00am PT. The winner will be notified April 18th via DM or email.
The prize is valued at over $100 and we are so grateful to artists @gingkozee, @paulinahoong, @cairopaints, and @_goyangii for supporting this raffle. The prize includes:
🥮 Block Printed Mooncake Postcard
🥬 Chinese Veggies Card
🥬 Hand Carved Bokchoy Stamp
🥭 Juicy Mango Print
🐉 Chinese Zodiac Plants Sticker Pack
🥬 Bokchoy Print
🐯 Yut Nori Tiger Signed Print by
More about Radical Family Farms CSA:
@radicalfamilyfarms is a QAPI Mixed-Asian 1.5 acre Vegetable Farm based in Sebastopol. Through their community initiatives, they hope to increase food access and respond to anti-Asian hate by caring for our elders with free Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) boxes. Each full season subscription costs $650, which provides 13 boxes of culturally relevant, nutrient dense, Asian-heritage produce, every-other-week, from May-October 2022. The boxes will be delivered directly to orgs in the community and distributed to the participating seniors at no cost.